Fear is Not a Game

Fear is Not a Game

Nightmare in Budapest is one of the scariest attractions in Hungary, and we encounter the various effects of fear every day.
Many people think that scaring others is just a simple joke or entertainment, but commonly this is not true.
People are afraid of different things and experience scary situations differently. There are several levels of fear. Many ask how scary the haunted house is. 
Well, it’s hard to define. What is terrifying for someone might bring a smile to another’s face. For example, clowns. Additionally, some people do not find being scared a pleasant experience. 
In most cases, everyone leaves with a good experience, but there are rare instances when someone has a crying fit or a panic attack. Fortunately, these cases are rare. Usually, people do not know they are prone to such reactions.
We regularly hear from guests that they have gathered the courage for weeks or months to come to us.
Some guests managed to complete the tour on their fourth attempt.

Scaring people is not entirely without risk for us either. Since every guest reacts differently to a sudden scare, our horror characters must be vigilant to avoid unwanted reactions. The success of a scare often depends on small things, such as whether the guest looks in the direction from which they are being scared or understands what they see at that moment.
Nightmare in Budapest strives for maximum safety.
Fortunately, in the many years since opening, there have been only a few minor accidents that involved both guests and actors. There have been instances where someone ran into a wall or got scared and hurt their arm when they jumped, but apart from such cases, it can be said that the horror house provides safe fear for everyone!

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