
Visitors often surprise us as well

In the history of Nightmare in Budapest, many visitors have experienced different kinds of fear. Visitors come from all over the world, not just from Hungary, bringing a diverse guest base from various places and cultures.

The attitude of the guests towards the show is also important to truly convey the feeling, experience, and adrenaline we aim to provide during a tour. Before the tour starts, at the reception we can roughly gauge how someone will behave inside. Of course, sometimes we make mistakes when we assume someone is hard to scare, only to find out they are very fearful.
Everyone fears different things and reacts differently in various situations, but there are some similarities among them, which we have collected into a bouquet.

The brave: seemingly afraid of nothing, no reaction can be elicited from them, but at the end of the game, they say it was very scary and they are visibly thrilled.
The invincible: goes through the tour smoothly, and completes every task without hesitation and with a straight face. At the end of the game, they always say: it was very good. No reaction is visible, so we never know what they thought.
The giggler: jumps at every scare and then laugh loudly at themselves.
The chatterbox: constantly talks to calm themselves down. They usually say random things and do not know where they are or what the task is.
The fearful: scared of everything, fully immerse themselves in the story. They live every minute to the fullest and enjoy the interaction immensely. Often, their reactions steer the scenes in new and even better directions. They are our favorite type.
The "You can’t scare me": constantly makes civilian remarks. Touches everything they shouldn’t. They're unable to immerse themselves in the situation, possibly provoking the actors. They try to “spoil” all the scares.
The dangerous: jumps to the other side of the room at every little movement, whether there is furniture or not. Runs in the dark until a wall stops them. Unfortunately, this type exists, so we have to be extra careful with them.

Everyone fears differently, so we try to adapt to the given situation and guest type.

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